Soon 😁

    Big Impact Mixer.
    Third Thursday of Each Month.
    Network Different.
    Connect for one hour each month with other people who are making a big impact.
    You're here because you were invited.

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    I'm so excited you're considering joining me in this endeavor.A few months ago, I realized that I have many great connections, and people who know me as different things:
    - Some people know me as a podcast host
    - Some people know me as a school leadership coach
    - Some people know me as a business coach
    - Some people know me as a Christian
    - Some people don't know I'm religious
    - Some people know me as a doctoral student
    - Some people know me as a fellow dad
    - Some people know me as a podcast producer
    - Some people know me as a school principal
    - Some people wonder who in the world I am!
    - Some people don't think about me at all!
    I started thinking about how we define ourselves, and how it is typically too narrowly defined. When it all comes down to it, I'm trying to leave a mark on this world, to make it better than I found, in whatever way I can.For my whole life, I've been good at gathering people together in unity of purpose and spirit. It's one of my gifts.My own coaches have consistently told me that I have to narrowly define myself so that people know what they're getting when they interact with me, so I can get to yes or no faster and then move on to the next person.I don't like that.I crave deep relationships, with lots of people, who are doing cool things. I want to serve people. Some people I serve by connecting them with others. Some people I serve by doing actual work for them.The other thing I've seen is that a lot of the people I know would actually be better knowing each other, and I love to make introductions. Sometimes, I forget to do that!As it is for you as well, it just depends.So, I'm getting a bunch of cool people together to help us all make an impact bigger than ourselves.There are a few things I do know and few things I don't.Let's start with what I do know:

    What I Know

    1. I get energy from being around other people who are trying to make a big impact.
    2. Making a big impact is hard, with lots of false starts, failures, and miraculous achievements
    3. Connection is protection. When we are connected, we support each other and find ways to make cool things happen
    4. This is not a sales event, and it's not really a networking event either. It's a mixer.
    But what is a mixer?
    Here's how I see it. An Industry Mixer is where people in an industry get together and talk shop. But what I've learned from over 700 episodes on my podcast, we are way more than our day jobs!We too narrowly define ourselves as one thing or another, when really, we are multifaceted, deep, complex beings.In this case, we are all coming together because we want to make a big impact.Some are in education, some in healthcare, some in business, some in finance. Honestly, it doesn't really matter where your big impact is intended to hit, it matters that you want more than just going to a 9-5 job and collecting paycheck to define you.The thing that will connect us all is that we are striving for a bigger impact.What's going to come of it, well, let's move on to what I don't know.

    What I don't Know

    1. What will come of these monthly mixers?
    2. Who else will attend?
    3. What will the format be every time?
    If you're good with connecting with like-minded folks who are trying to make a difference, who are putting themselves out there and trying to make the world a better place, you'll love this!Sometimes, I'll have guest speakers. Sometimes, I'll have activities we do together.Sometimes, I'll just show up and provide a space for folks to chat. Let's make this community together and find ways to lift us all up.It's starts with monthly mixers. The first one is this Thursday.You should receive shortly, if you haven't already, an invite to the meeting.If you can't make one event, kindly decline that event only, and leave the next events on your calendar until you miss three in a row, then you can safely say, I'm not going to be part of this.I'm trying to find the balance of making this invite-only, but not annoying. Having people add stuff to your calendar can be annoying, but without it being on our calendars, we often forget about it!What's the right, respectful balance?Want to join our chat? Shoot me a message and I'll add you.Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. ;) See you soon in our mixers!

    Who is this Jethro Guy and Why is He Hosting This Event?

    I have been podcasting since 2008, in various forms.Since then, I have created the longest running, highest rated, most downloaded school leadership podcast out there, Transformative Principal.I now help other people who are mission driven to create their own podcasts and connect with the right people in the right way to build powerful communities where people take action.If you want to talk about how a podcast can help you make a big impact, let's chat.